2006 Performance by Tally-Ho Music Camp Reunion Band
This video was taped and produced by former-camper Mike Wagner, owner of WildCard Productions, a video production company he operates in Miami, FL. Members of the Tally-Ho Reunion Band, under maestro-Martin, played the Camp’s historic classic as though everyone had practiced the music every day since Camp ended. HUGE thanks to Susie for providing individual parts so all the reunion instrumentalists could participate!
To create his marvelous final product, Mike combined video segments he took at the 2006 reunion with video-copied segments from two old 16mm color movies found by Doug Bradley, son of Fred and Dorotha Bradley. This video is a segment from part of a 40-minute DVD he produced as a fantastic souvenir for reunion attendees. Regarding the two movies, the silent film was shot in 1949 by someone unknown, while the sound movie was made in 1957 at Tally-Ho by a group of fathers of TH campers. The length of this recording is 2:20.
