Honeoye Historical Society

Tally-Ho Music Camp Exhibit @ Honeoye, NY, Historical Society

As the planning for the 2006 Reunion was underway, a former-camper who lives not far from the property from which the musical “Echoes” of Tally-Ho Music Camp once emanated, enterprisingly checked to see if the Honeoye Historical Society had anything that related to the former Camp (thanks, Ed & Sandy). Indeed, a number of very informative items had long been resting in a file folder, including the 1948 articles displayed above. The revealing newspaper report about the 1951 premiere performance of Frederick Fennell’s Tally-Ho March was among the articles found in the Society’s archives.

Subsequent to the 2006 get-together, the museum curator has devoted a display cabinet at the museum to showcase memorabilia items and various information about Tally-Ho Music Camp. (The curator has been granted courtesy access to the password-only Tally-Ho website, and has downloaded a number of pictures for the museum.) Our hopes are high that the snackbar pricelist-sign that was pictured in the “Short History” above, will someday be contributed to the Society and added to the Tally-Ho display. We urge any former-campers who plan to visit the area to stop by the museum and have their memory banks jump-started.

Sue presenting album to HHS museum
Tally-Ho History at the HHS museum

We have arranged with the museum to continue receiving other Tally-Ho Music Camp memorabilia (the bright-red old TH-logo’d windbreaker shown above is in great condition!). In late 2008, a large album containing copies of all eighteen official group photographs taken of Tally-Ho campers, 1948 through 1965, became part of the Honeoye Historical Society’s Tally-Ho exhibit. An album containing the collection of original concert programs we have been accumulating (85 of the 107 total Sunday-evening concerts performed during 1948-1965) was also accepted by the museum, and we look forward to the time when additional original programs might be found and contributed so that a full-and-complete set will be preserved. Also presented to the museum is the above-pictured album including nine Tally-Ho brochures. Hopefully, a complete set can eventually be assembled and provided to the museum (do you have any of those currently missing?). The silk flag that flew atop the pole next to the bandshell is now framed behind protective glass, and will someday permanently reside at the museum – as will the brass antique hunting-horns also seen in the masthead picture. A search is underway in hopes of securing the original manuscript parts for the Tally-Ho March; what a fantastic find that would be for the Society’s archives.

Our long-term intent is for the museum at the Honeoye Historical Society to hold additional Tally-Ho memorabilia that we hope will turn up. If you know of anything that would be appropriate for the Society’s Tally-Ho Collection, please feel free to ask our help.

We cannot think of a more appropriate place for items associated with Tally-Ho Music Camp to permanently reside… only several miles from the “Home” we enjoyed during our summers at Camp, it’s literally almost within shouting distance – or so it seems. After all, the “Echoes” that went forth when we practiced and played while sharing Mr. and Mrs. B’s Dream… didn’t have far to go until they reached Honeoye.