Of the more than 330 former-campers eventually “found” prior to the Reunion, 119 attended the affair, with total attendance of 171 including various family and friends. Including those former-campers who had paid to register but had to cancel travel plans at the last minute, 38% of the total former-campers located had made reservations to participate. The group attending the Reunion accounted for 319 camper-seasons, a significant 25% of the total accumulated by all campers during Tally-Ho’s 18-year existence.
It had been more than four decades since the youngest former-campers who headed back to Tally-Ho for the Reunion had been campers, in 1965 during the Camp’s final summer; for the oldest reunion attendees nearly six decades had elapsed. Either extreme is obviously a long time span. Clearly, the collective “Tally-Ho memories” of those at the reunion had remained Very Positive.
Below are statistical comparisons regarding the former-campers who returned for the Tally-Ho Music Camp Reunion. Original annual enrollment totals are shown regarding the period 1948-1965.
As shown in this table, the “kids of 1958” were the largest group at the 2006 reunion, with 31 returning. Close behind were “kids” of eight other seasons, all returning more than 20 former-campers. The year returning the highest percentage of former-campers to the reunion was 1958 (36% attended; 31 of 85), closely followed by the 1951 group. The table below shows that former-campers from the Camp’s earliest seasons all had sizable groups in attendance, averaging 27% of the original camper-groups.